
The humble, meek, merciful, just, pious, and devout souls are everywhere of one religion, and when death takes off the mask, they will know one another though the diverse liveries they wear here make them strangers.

William Penn

Quakers is the shorthand term fot the Religious Society of friend, which was founded as radical Christian movemment in 17th century England. Today, Quakers come from all walks of life and continue to uphold a progressive religious approach.

We hold Meeting for Worship, when we come together in silence and try to open ourselves to the deeper levels of our experience. We have no paid clergy to lead or interpret our spiritual life and it is open to anyone who feels moved by the spirit to make a spoken contribution.

Where we meet together

The Prague Meeting is an international Quaker fellowship gathering on most Sundays from 10:30 AM in a bio- zero waste store Slow Spot, Terronská 880/60, 160 00 Praha 6-Bubeneč. Part of the meeting is potluck lunch. Some on the meetings are on-line. For the link, ask the contact person.

Planned meeting for the year 2024:

23.6 Meeting for Worship online

30.6 Meeting for Worship

7. 7. Meeting for Worship

14. 7 Meeting for Worship plus Meeting for Worship for Business

26.7 (Friday) Meeting for Worship plus Meeting for Worship for Business (from 18.00)

Contact person

Pavel Marušinec
English, Esperanto, Hungarian, Polish or Czech
+420 728 700 867

Contact address

Čeští kvakeři, z.s. IČ: 054 36 664
V Šáreckém údolí 281/54 Dejvice, 160 00 Praha 6 CZ
e-mail: kvakeri@post.cz